Consistency is the much talked about instagram marketing strategy we learn everyday from different content creators. But is consistency the only strategy that will make you successful on Instagram? Not just consistency but providing quality and useful content on a regular basis will definitely lead you towards success.Here is some advice on how to make your instagram marketing strategy.Let’s read:

Do some research before starting Instagram
Your success depends on the actions you take. If you are consistent in posting content but your content is what is prolific on Instagram without any unique touch, you are likely going to get lost in the sea of other similar profiles. That is why post consistently but post content that is unique and useful for your audience.
You might have found the following types of profiles on Instagram
- Profiles with hundreds of posts with few thousand followers
- Profiles with hundreds of posts with over a hundred thousand followers.
Why is the gap so large?
This is how you can find why… Go to each profile and look for the kind of content they are posting. The profiles with more targeted followers have content that is more engaging in certain ways. For example:
- They are teaching something to their audience that might help them in some way.
- They are posting videos of how they did a certain project.
- Their posts are an inspiration for other users since they are providing real value.
- They post content that users like to save and use as an example.
- They post content that shows their knowledge and authority on a topic.
- Whenever they post, they are providing some real value to their audience.
- Their bio contains links that users need and want.
- They have highlighted their services and portfolio.
- They use clear “call to action” in their posts and bio.
If you see some profiles using this Instagram marketing strategy, they are sure to be the ones with a large number of audience. In addition to that they must have a correct engagement strategy such as engaging with profiles of like minded niche industry leaders and targeted audience. They make connections and relationship through DMs (direct message), collaborations, comments and likes.
Important: Your success is in your hands.It depends on the strategies that you make.The right actions will show you gradual success. The wrong strategies and actions will just waste your time.Build correct habits and focus on people and what they need….your followers will grow organically.