Bakra Eid 2024

Bakra Eid 2024

In Saudia the day begins with a special prayer at the mosque, followed by the sacrificial slaughter of animals (usually sheep, goats, or cows). The meat is then distributed among family, friends, and the poor.

In the UAE, the celebrations include prayers, feasts, and charity. Families come together for large meals, and children often receive gifts and new clothes.

In Pakistan it starts with an early morning prayer. Families then perform the Qurbani (sacrifice) and distribute the meat. The rest of the day is spent visiting relatives and friends, and enjoying special meals.

In India it is similar to Pakistan, Eid in India involves a morning prayer, animal sacrifice, and distribution of meat.

In Indonesia, Eid is Known as Idul Adha, the day involves communal prayers, the Qurbani, and distributing meat. It’s also a time for social gatherings and feasts.

In Malaysia it is Called Hari Raya Haji, the celebrations include prayers, animal sacrifices, and family gatherings. Special dishes like rendang and ketupat are prepared for the occasion.

 Egyptians celebrate with prayers, animal sacrifices, and feasting. The day is marked by communal prayers at mosques, followed by family gatherings and charitable activities.

Known as Ileya or the Festival of Sacrifice, Nigerians celebrate with prayers, sacrifices, and sharing meat with family and the needy. Traditional music and dances are also part of the celebrations.

In the UK, Muslims attend special Eid prayers at mosques and perform the Qurbani. The meat is distributed to family, friends, and those in need.

 Find Eid Wishes, Wallpapers, Images, GIFS, free to download here

 Find Eid Wishes, Wallpapers, Images, GIFS, free to download here