Thanksgiving traveler ? Beware of the weather

It is four days before Thanksgiving so you might be preparing your To Do list.

Thanksgiving TO DO list

If you are traveling on Thanksgiving like thousands other in USA, you might like to prepare your To Do list for travel too.

Travel To Do list

Fortunately, Travel TO Thanksgiving get togethers is kind of  worry-free , but...

What's wrong with Thanksgiving Travel?

Thick Brush Stroke

Travel AFTER Thanksgiving might create a little trouble, especially in the east.

Where lies the trouble?

Showers are likely to impact places like Dallas, Houston, Shreveport and Little Rock on Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day starts clear but...

On Thanksgiving Day, a storm will likely crank up over portions of the central and southern U.S.,another forecaster says.

More weather Forecasts

Snow and storm is likely to impact your travel so better be prepared and check out weather and airline schedules in order to adjust to weather situations.

Check out weather and airline schedules

Remember that over 50 million people are expected to travel 50 miles or more this year to celebrate Thanksgiving, an increase of 1.5% from 2021.

More people are Travelling this Year

Airports officials are predicting a long queue of travellers during Thanksgiving week. The wether conditions can disrupt schedules and cause trouble to passengers.

Long Queues Expected

If you’re really worried,  a lot of airlines are offering $0 changes to change your flight to earlier in the day or the day before

Airlines are accommodating 

You may hit the road to avoid airport queues but traffic congestion is expected  Wednesday in major metropolitan areas like New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago

Opt for travel by road but not on Wednesday

stay tuned to future weather forecasts, and travelling news as you enjoy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the food and festivities!

Enjoy Thanksgiving and Have a Safe Travel!